Hi everyone! My name is Tristan, and I’m a 22 year old explorer with a love for the great outdoors and a passion for connecting with nature. After graduating last year with a degree in Computer Science and a minor in Environmental Science, I’ve set out to combine my tech-savvy mindset with my deep appreciation for the environment.

One of my biggest goals in life is to visit all of the U.S. National Parks- so far I’ve made it to 30! My trips are anything but slow-paced. I’m all about making the most of my time by packing my days with exciting activities and unforgettable experiences. Whether it’s tackling long, remote hikes to escape the crowds or discovering hidden gems that others might miss, I thrive on staying active and soaking in everything each destination has to offer. Along the way I’ve learned how to embrace the beauty of the wild, tackle long hikes, and immerse myself in the heart of nature.

When I travel, it’s full on go, go, go! From sunrise hikes to stargazing at night, I aim to maximize every moment. Camping is my go-to accommodation- not only because its budget-friendly, but because there’s no better way to truly connect with nature than falling asleep under the stars.

As someone who’s just starting out in adulthood, I know how important it is to keep travel accessible, sustainable, and budget-friendly. Through detailed itineraries, gear recommendations, and tips for sustainable travel, I hope to show that adventure is possible for anyone willing to embrace the wild and step outside their comfort zone.

Join me as I chase new adventures, discover hidden gems, and work toward a greener planet- one trail, one park, and one unforgettable journey at a time.